Graduate Colloquia

Category: Published (page 19 of 19)

The diversity within the North – a Lewis Carroll abstract

Sergio Vazquez Tagle Gallegos

Within the drip zone of knowledge


Robson Valley Flora – Dr. Curtis Bjork


Biodiversity among giants

Ryan Jackalin

BC: Richest in Canadian Flora and Enthusiastic Botanists

K. Dietrich

One bog and cliff at a time -Surveying lesser studied flora in the lesser studied reaches of the Robson Valley

Nathan L Malcomb

Dr. Curtis Bjork: Master of the Over-Looked

Cale Babey

A “Controlled Intuitive Wander”—my thoughts on Dr. Curtis Bjork and his delightful excitement for the little things.

P. Wilson

The importance of keeping an open mind while doing research – of any kind.


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