Nathan Malcomb
Dr. Ivar gave an insight into the Norwegian economy and made me to understand that apart from oil and gas, another major export that sustains the Norwegian economy is fish farming. From his presentation and understood the importance of locating a good area for fish farming in the coastal region. He showed on the map the areas that can be used for this purpose must be open, with a considerable depth, with high waves. This knowledge changed my view about fish farming, because I have always seen fish farming as having a fish pond in an exclusive land location. Never thought of it as the one of the mainstay of a nations economy and locating them on the coastal region.
The presentation was enjoyable because Dr Ivar presentation style was quite unique because his slide were clear and contains so much information. His knowledge on the subject is very fascinating, and he carried the audience very well. Although I do not know much about fish farming, but the way he presented the subject was interesting. The only area I fell that needs improvement was the summary and conclusion, because I was not expecting the presentation to end when it ended, I felt a sharp cut from the flow.
Although there is no connection of the presentation to my research, but the research data analysis and the area of coverage might be a little similar to my research. The research content is definitely different but the style will be similar, since my research is based on the coastal region.
Dr Ivar response to questions were precise and accurate but there were question he did not have answers to base on the fact that the were not directly connected to his field, like the question on fish diseases. But my question would have still based on the transfer of the fishes from the fish farm to the natural habitats. According to Dr Ivar the fishes from the fish farm have a kind of disease that infect the naturally grown fish, so why do they still transfer those fishes knowing that they will infect the naturally grown ones.
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